ARCH’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

On October 12, 2022, ARCH joined with friends, partners and local leaders to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the creation of ARCH. In the last three decades, ARCH members have supported over 8,000 affordable homes across East King County through a myriad of projects, programs and investments. Speakers touched on ARCH’s history, its innovative spirit and sense of community values, including ARCH’s founding Executive Director, Arthur Sullivan, King County Council Chair Claudia Balducci, as well as other local leaders from Kenmore, Bellevue, the King County Housing Authority and Imagine Housing.

 “The things members are doing might seem more common today, but 30 years ago, we were all just starting this journey and had no history or roadmap…  Individually, each member has done a lot, but collectively, you have done something unique,” said Arthur Sullivan, ARCH’s founding Executive Director.

 “This event is about celebrating ARCH’s history and honoring our members and partners,” said ARCH Executive Director Lindsay Masters. “I hope we are leaving all of you with a sense of the accomplishments of this coalition, and also a renewed drive to keep going, to step up your efforts, and to work for meaningful investments.”

Highlights from the collective accomplishments of the ARCH coalition were highlighted in a special presentation.


Funding Opportunity for Community-Based Organizations


Bellevue approves Housing Stability Program - RFP for $10.5 million released