Rental Assistance and Other Resources

  • Emergency Shelters

  • Redmond Hopelink Rental Assistance. If you are a Redmond resident and are experiencing a short-term financial crisis due to unexpected expenses Hopelink may be able to help you pay one month’s rent. In addition to preventing eviction, Hopelink’s Financial Assistance program may be able to help with move-in costs.

  • Bellevue Hopelink Rental Assistance. If you are a Bellevue resident and are experiencing a short-term financial crisis due to unexpected expenses Hopelink may be able to help you pay one month’s rent. In addition to preventing eviction, Hopelink’s Financial Assistance program may be able to help with move-in costs.

  • Sno-Valley Hopelink Rental Assistance - 425-333-4163

  • Bellevue Conflict Resolution Center - For Bellevue and Kirkland residents - rent repayment negotiations and eviction resolution. 425-452-4091 /

  • King County Bar - free legal assistance and interpreters to low-income tenants facing eviction

    Catholic Community Services. Emergency Assistance Program helps with rental assistance, eviction prevention, move-in assistance, utility assistance, shut-off prevention, and more. Please call the intake line at (425) 213-1963 extension 2.

  • Housing Search NW. If you are a resident in Washington State this website provides information on affordable housing.

  • The YMCA of Greater Seattle Social Impact Center offering up to 3 months of rent assistance to residents of Bellevue and Auburn. Apply if you meet all criteria (En espanol).

  • The City of Kirkland offers reduced water, sewer and garbage rates for qualifying low income, single family residential customers who are 62 years or older, blind, disabled, or home kidney dialysis customers. Click here to see eligibility criteria and contact information.

  • The City of Bellevue offers utility water and sewer discounts for low-income seniors or low-income people with permanent disabilities. They also have an Emergency Assistance program that offers assistance on utility bills. Click here for information on how to apply.

  • Mercer Island Family Assistance. The Family Assistance Program serves Mercer Island residents who are experiencing financial hardship.

  • United Way Rental Assistance Program. If you're a King County resident who has been impacted financially by COVID-19 and are behind on your rent, you may qualify for the United Way rental assistance program.

  • Washington State Department of Commerce Landlord Mitigation Programs including the Landlord Damage Relief Program and Tenancy Preservation Program.

Below are additional resources to keep you housed in East King County, for additional resources please call the King County 2-1-1 line to be assessed for eligibility for housing stability funds.

Catholic Community Services: 206-328-5696

Tenant Law Center 206-324-6890

Porch Light 206-605-9337

Eastside Legal Assistance Program: 425-747-7274

Eastside Safe Parking Program: For women and families - 425-922-8051

Fair Housing Enforcement Offices: 206-263-2446

Friends of Youth: 425-449-3868; Youth shelter at 12735 Willows Rd NE, Kirkland, WA

Hopelink: Redmond 425-869-6000, Bellevue 425-943-7555, Kirkland 425-889-7880; Sno-Valley - 425-333-4163

Issaquah Community Services: 425-837-3125

 LifeSpring (Bellevue):  425-451-1175

Acres of Diamonds 425-788-9999 - women and children

Lighthouse Northwest 206-824-8581;

Transitional Housing - 855-860-3119

Oxford House - transitional housing

 LifeWire (domestic violence victims): 425-746-1940  

DV Hopeline 206-737-0242

DAWN - Domestic Abuse Women’s Network 425-656-7867

 Muslim Community Resource Center: 1-888-404-6272

New Bethlehem Day Center for Families with Children: 425-679-0350

 Salvation Army: 425-452-7300

 St. Vincent de Paul: 206-767-6449

 Solid Ground: 206-694-6767 

The Sophia Way - Day Center for Adult Women: 425-896-7385

Tenants Union of WA State: 206-723-0500

YMCA: Bellevue Residents

IACS (Indian American Community Services) 253-234-9989;

Compassion House - women with 2 or more children - 425-395-4357

Tenant Protections

Please click on the links below for further information regarding tenant protections in the following jurisdictions:

Bellevue Conflict Resolution Center is ready to help landlords and tenants who live and/or work in the Bellevue/Kirkland area negotiate matters concerning their property or home.  For assistance, call at (425) 452-4091 or

Duties of Landlord - Revised Code of Washington 59.18.060

Duties of Tenant - Revised Code of Washington 59.80.13