Funding Opportunity for Community-Based Organizations

Five ARCH member cities (Bellevue, Bothell, Kenmore, Newcastle and Redmond) are making a total of $100,000 available for community-based organizations (CBOs) to support outreach and engagement as these cities consider the development of “middle housing” policies. The purpose of this outreach is to help cities hear from populations that have not historically participated in public planning processes, or who have been disparately impacted by past planning and zoning policies and practices.

What is Middle Housing?

“Middle Housing” refers to a range of housing types beyond single family housing, including accessory dwelling units, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, fiveplexes, sixplexes, townhouses, courtyard apartments, cottage housing and stacked flats. The State of Washington has recently provided guidance for all cities to consider whether more of these housing types should be allowed in single family neighborhoods. For more information, Kenmore has provided an overview on its website.

Instructions on how to apply are available in the RFP.

For more information on how to apply, please email



Sammamish Adopts Housing Toolkit


ARCH’s 30th Anniversary Celebration